Sunday, September 28, 2014

My First Cold Porcelain Hand Crafted Flowers

Hello folks, When i made the first batch of Cold Porcelain Clay, i tried my hand at making some roses,lilies and other random flowers.
Do check out How to make cold porcelain at home in this post and
how to add color to the cold porcelain dough here.

In most of the forums i read about the flowers/dolls getting cracks while drying. Thank God my first trial at making the flowers was successful.
I think the most important part is to knead the dough , and roll it in between the fingers before we make anything out of it. All these flowers were crafted without any tools. With practice the roses can be perfected.
In my future posts i will do a tutorial on roses. Since it was a trial i didn't take ani images while making them.
cold porcelain beautiful roses, DIY polymer clay roses, air dry clay roses
Hand crafted beautiful porcelain roses

cold porcelain beautiful roses, DIY polymer clay roses, air dry clay roses
Cold Porcelain Roses

cold porcelain beautiful roses, DIY polymer clay roses, air dry clay roses
Cold Porcelain Flowers before drying

cold porcelain beautiful roses, DIY polymer clay roses, air dry clay roses
Cold Porcelain beautiful roses

air dry cold porcelain flowers, DIY, clay roses
Cold Porcelain random flowers

air dry cold porcelain flowers, DIY, clay roses
Cold Porcelain Mini Flowers

air dry cold porcelain flowers, DIY, clay roses , lilies
Cold Porcelain Flowers

air dry cold porcelain flowers, DIY, clay roses
Cold Porcelain Flowers

Whatever you make from this clay, will shrink by 15-20 % when air-dried. So keep this in mind while making flowers or anything. Some of my flowers are so tiny that i can't handle them in my hand. To seal the flowers i coated them with 1:1 of fevicol and water, since i did not have any varnish or mod-podge with me. After the coating dries off the flowers become very hard and durable.

So how did you find my Cold Porcelain Roses/flowers?
Thanks for taking time to go through this post.Will you try to make some at home? Do let me know in the comments section below. Your opinion matters, any suggestions are welcome. 

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