Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Sketches and Paintings

Few years back i have sketched some pictures and was trying my hand at acrylic paintings. Here are some of them i am haring with you all. Let me know how do find them.

indian women sketch, thehomecrafter blog
Elegant Indian Lady

homecrafter blog, sketch,
Another sketch

thehomecrafter lorrd balaji sketch, crafts, diy
lord Balaji sketch

buddha, painting, crafts
Acrylic painting of lord Buddha 

ganesha acrylic painting
Ganesha Watercolor painting

acrylic abstract painting
abstract painting

still life acrylic painting
still life acrylic painting

warli art
warli art
Do let me know your thoughts in the comments section. Thank You.

Tutorial- Decorative Leaf Basket with Cold Porcelain Clay

Hello, i am back with another good looking basket/ decorative vase , but this time its not with newspapers but using Cold Porcelain Clay i made at home. To know how to make the clay at home check out this Link

Materials Required:

  • Balloon
  • Coconut oil
  • Green and Magenta colored clay
  • Rolling pin
  • Fevicol
  • Clear Varnish/ Mod Podge

Step 1:

  • Make two balls of cold porcelain clay and color one Magenta and the other Green. You would need a bigger one for green, since most of the basket will be in shades of green. To know how to add color to the homemade clay check out this Tutorial
color cold porcelain clay, how to color air dry clay, DIY
Colored Clay

Step 2:
  • Blow a balloon to the required size.
  • Dab some oil to the balloon so that the clay doesn't stick to it.
Step 3:

  • Add some white clay to the green clay to make a lighter shade of green.
  • Similarly add some more green to the green clay making it a darker green color.
  • Roll some clay into leaf shape using a rolling pin and start placing onto the balloon. Make different shades of Green leaves in different sizes and arrange them onto the balloon. 
  • Make sure the leaves stick to each other.
  • Arrange all the leaves in the shape of a vase.

Step 3:

  • Using the Magenta colored clay make some small flowers.
  • Stick those flowers using Fevicol/glue to the leaves at equal spaces. It looks something like this in the image below.
decorative vase DIY, cold porcelain vase, crafts
Arrange the leaves and flowers on the balloon

Step 4:

  • Let it dry for a day or two.
  • The clay might shrink and some spaces would be visible in between, you can add few more leaves and let them dry for a day.
  • Once it it dried completely, pop open the balloon.
  • The balloon comes out leaving the vase shape intact.
  • Let the interiors dry for another day.

Step 5:

  • Roll some clay and make a base for the vase. Stick it to the base of the vase using Fevicol/ glue. Let it dry for a day.
  • Add a layer of clear acrylic varnish or Mod Podge to seal your work.
  • Yuppy !!!   the decorative vase is ready, Show Off!!!
polymer clay vase, cold orcelain clay vase, DIY, craft
Decorative Vase is ready

So how did you like my decorative clay vase, do let me know your opinion in the comments section below. Thank Your for reading the post, cya again with another creative craft.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

My First Cold Porcelain Hand Crafted Flowers

Hello folks, When i made the first batch of Cold Porcelain Clay, i tried my hand at making some roses,lilies and other random flowers.
Do check out How to make cold porcelain at home in this post and
how to add color to the cold porcelain dough here.

In most of the forums i read about the flowers/dolls getting cracks while drying. Thank God my first trial at making the flowers was successful.
I think the most important part is to knead the dough , and roll it in between the fingers before we make anything out of it. All these flowers were crafted without any tools. With practice the roses can be perfected.
In my future posts i will do a tutorial on roses. Since it was a trial i didn't take ani images while making them.
cold porcelain beautiful roses, DIY polymer clay roses, air dry clay roses
Hand crafted beautiful porcelain roses

cold porcelain beautiful roses, DIY polymer clay roses, air dry clay roses
Cold Porcelain Roses

cold porcelain beautiful roses, DIY polymer clay roses, air dry clay roses
Cold Porcelain Flowers before drying

cold porcelain beautiful roses, DIY polymer clay roses, air dry clay roses
Cold Porcelain beautiful roses

air dry cold porcelain flowers, DIY, clay roses
Cold Porcelain random flowers

air dry cold porcelain flowers, DIY, clay roses
Cold Porcelain Mini Flowers

air dry cold porcelain flowers, DIY, clay roses , lilies
Cold Porcelain Flowers

air dry cold porcelain flowers, DIY, clay roses
Cold Porcelain Flowers

Whatever you make from this clay, will shrink by 15-20 % when air-dried. So keep this in mind while making flowers or anything. Some of my flowers are so tiny that i can't handle them in my hand. To seal the flowers i coated them with 1:1 of fevicol and water, since i did not have any varnish or mod-podge with me. After the coating dries off the flowers become very hard and durable.

So how did you find my Cold Porcelain Roses/flowers?
Thanks for taking time to go through this post.Will you try to make some at home? Do let me know in the comments section below. Your opinion matters, any suggestions are welcome. 

How to- color Cold Porcelain clay

In one of my posts i have penned down a tutorial to make Cold Porcelain clay at home. If you haven't checked it yet visit this link.
In this post i will show you step by step procedure of - How to add color to Cold Porcelain Clay.

Materials you will need:

  • Cold Porcelain Clay
  • Acrylic color tube of your choice. (Oil color can also be used)


Step 1:

  • After allowing the clay to settle for a day in the refrigerator , take out some of the clay.
  • Press and roll it between your palms. The clay should become soft.
  • Take a little acrylic/oil color onto the clay.

Step 2:

  • Roll the clay between your finger tips until the color spreads to the whole of clay.

cold porcelain dough, DIY polymer clay, air dry clay
Keep kneading the clay untill the color spreads uniformly
Keep rolling the clay until the color spreads to the clay uniformly and it feels soft in your hand.
cold porcelain clay, air dry clay, magenta polymer clay, DIY
Magenta colored Cold Porcelain
Add more color to the clay until you get your desired color. 
TIP: Remember cold porcelain dries to a thicker color, So add as desired.
air dry cold porcelain clay, DIY color clay
Green colored Cold porcelain

One can add color at the time of kneading the dough when making the cold porcelain or after making crafts. But colored clay has low shelf life. So color only the part you will put to use. Store the colored clay in air-tight container and Refrigerate. Knead the clay/dough well before you put it to use. Good kneading is the key to making no-crack clay crafts. 
Do check out another post on cold porcelain flowers.
       So how did you like my tutorial on How to- color Cold Porcelain Clay. Let me know in the comments section below. Looking forward to hear from you. 
                                                            Thank You!!!

My Newspaper Baskets

Hi as promised here i am back with the newspaper baskets i made at home. In case you didn't , do check out my post on a newspaper basket making tutorial.

newspaper basket weaving, DIY
Newspaper baskets

weaving newspaper baskets, DIY
Newspaper basket

newspaper basket weaving, DIY
Newspaper baskets 

DIY, newspaper basket weaving
Newspaper baskets to store chargers and stationary
newspaper baskets, weaving, DIY
Basket to store keys and change.Made for my husband

newspaper basket organizer, DIY, basket cords
A basket with a lid for storing chargers and other cords

newspaper baskets, DIY paper craft, newspaper weaving
Yet to be colored Newspaper basket

newspaper baskets, DIY paper craft, newspaper weaving
In the making newspaper baskets

newspaper baskets, DIY paper craft, newspaper weaving
Newspaper baskets for ipods and smartphones

newspaper baskets, DIY paper craft, newspaper weaving, kitchen organizers
Newspaper basket kitchen organizers
newspaper baskets, DIY paper craft, newspaper weaving
Dressing accessories Basket

newspaper baskets, DIY paper craft, newspaper weaving
Newspaper basket organizers

From magazine holders to paper curtains, baskets and much more, there are endless ways of recycling newspapers. Do give it a try and i would love to ear from you.
How did you find my baskets? Do let me know in the comments section. Your appreciation is important to me. Hope you had a great time reading this post. Thank you!!!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Air-Dry Cold Porcelain Clay- A step by step procedure

While looking for paper mache clay ideas, i stumbled opon Cold Porcelain clay and was quite amused by its varied uses right from crafting flowers to baskets to dolls and many more. After going through most of the videos online about this clay i decided its time to make some at home.

When air- dried the final product has a natural porcelain kind of glow on it, hence the name Cold Porcelain. There are two methods

  •  Stove top Method
  • Microwave Method
 In this post i will show the first method.

Things you will need:

  • Corn Flour ---- 1 cup
  • Fevicol SH ----1 cup ( used for woodworking, one can use fevicol MR or Elmer's white glue)
  • Baby Oil    ---- 2 Tbs
  • Glycerin ---- 1 Tbs
  • Synthetic Vinegar / Lime juice --- 1 Tbs
  • Water if you glue is too thick
  • Ponds / Vaseline Moisturizer
  • Non-Stick pan/ Spatula

cold porcelain clay DIY, air dry clay
Things you need
  • Take the Non-stick pan, Add one cup of fevicol/white glue , 2Tbsp of baby oil, 1Tbsp of  Glycerin and 1Tbps of lime juice/Vinegar. Mix properly.
  • Add 1 cup of Corn Flour to the above mixture. Mix them all to get a proper consistency. 
  • If the mixture is too thick add little water and mix again properly.
Mix all ingredients thoroughly
 Step 2:

  • Keep the pan on the stove in low flame. 
  • Keep stirring continuously.The mixture gets clumpy fast so be careful, keep flame low and keep stirring.

Keep stirring continuously
Step 3:
air dry cold porcelain tutorial, DIY, stove top method
The mixture gets thicker
  • The mixture slowly turns thicker and thicker. Keep stirring.

  • Within some 8 minutes it would look like a mashed potato and a lump kind of forms at the center. Its time to switch off the flame.
mashed potato, cold porcelain DIY, stove top method, air dry clay
Mashed Potato like consistency

Step 4:

  • Add a little moisturizer to your palm and to the table top where you intend to knead the dough.
  • Take out the mashed mixture form the pan and keep on the moisturized place.
  • Start kneading the mixture , add a little flour if it feels sticky. The key to making good porcelain clay is to knead it until it becomes cool.

 cold porcelain DIY, stove top method, air dry clay, knead the dough
Knead the mixture to a dough like consistency
 cold porcelain DIY, stove top method, air dry clay
Dust a little corn flour if its sticking around

 cold porcelain DIY, stove top method, air dry clay
Cold Porcelain Dough
Step 5:
  • Take a clean polythene cover, add a little moisturizer to its interior surface. Roll the clay as shown in above pic and keep it inside the polythene cover.
  • Fold the cover properly so that no air is left inside,  Tie the cover with a clip to make it air-tight.
  • Store in the Refrigerator for A DAY. 
Step 6:
  • To add color to the clay, add a little acrylic or oil color of your choice and knead the dough properly.
  • Once you take out the clay from Refrigerator , knead it properly before you make anything out of it, otherwise it would break while drying.
  • Sculpt your favorite character or Flowers and let them air-dry for few hours to days depending on the thickness of the form.
  • Seal it with a clear acrylic varnish or a glossy Mod-Podge. The forms will be as hard as rock once they are dried. 
TIP 1: Add a little White Tempera paint while mixing all the ingredients, this would give a white color to the clay, otherwise the clay would dry transparent. you can add a color before you put it to use.
TIP 2: Take only that amount of clay you need to make something, keep the remaining in air-tight container, or else the clay dries when exposed to air.
TIP 3: You can add color while kneading the dough immediately after taking the mixture from stove, but colored clay has low shelf life. Its recommended to color before you use the clay.

That's all!!! When i made the first batch of clay, i made some roses, other flowers and leaves. One can master it only after few trials. Do try at home and let me know how did it go in the comments section. 
Till then happy Clay-ing around...

Newspaper Baskets DIY

Well my newspaper's stock is piling up day after day, so here i have come up with another inspired idea of making baskets out of newspapers. I always loved the look of wicker baskets at the lifestyle stores but  often with crazy price tags. Not that i can't afford it but being a homemaker we have a habit of finding cheaper, value for money options that are often DIYable ...
Well have made so many baskets by now , i can say one thing though easy they are time consuming and a pain in the back if you don't have a good table to craft on. Lucky enough i just took few pics of one basket while weaving it. So lets start weaving baskets...

Materials Needed:

  • Newspapers
  • Cardboard or a thick paper to form the base
  • Fevicol roll on/ glue
  • some box or a vessel to get their shape for the basket. (optional).
 Tear the newspapers into some 10 cm wide long strips. And start rolling the newspaper strips into thin pipes using a thin stick( i used one from the broomstick). While rolling the pipe at the end use some glue to stick it. you need lots of them so make a plenty before you start weaving.
newspaper basket, recycle newspapers
newspaper pipes for weaving

weaving baskets

Take two cardboard/thick paper  pieces ,cut into squares. Take the first piece and add fevicol onto it. Now place the paper pipes at the sides, line them up , these form the pillars while we weave the basket.
Once done add the second piece of cardboard/thick paper onto the first one thus forming the base.
It would look like the one in the image below
newspaper, basket weaving, tutorial

Fold the pipes upward and i have used a masking tape to stick all the pipes on top, so that i can easily weave in a square shape.

Now take a pipe and fold in half, start at a corner and start weaving as shown in the pic.
newspaper weaving, basket weaving

weaving baskets
Since i did not take a pic during weaving i have given an illustration image above. Keep weaving, when the pipes fall short, take another tube using fevicol (glue)  insert this tube into the weaving tubes end.
Keep weaving till your desired height is reached
basket weaving
Once the weaving is complete cut off the extra lenths in the top and glue them to the inside .
Add your favorite color , top it up with varnish to seal your work.
newspaper basket, weaving
You can also add a handle                                                                                         
newspaper basket weaving

DIY newspaper baskets, newspaper recycling

 I took the images while doing this basket, so i am showing the same. I have made so many baskets some with lids and some for storing grocery, some for chargers, will share them all in the next post. Till then Happy Basket-ing ...